P-05-821 Reintroduce educational support funding for MEAS and the TES to local authorities

This petition was submitted by UNISON Neath Port Talbot, having collected 334 signatures.

Text of Petition

Neath Port Talbot UNISON branch call on Welsh Government to reverse the decision to cut educational support funding to Minority Ethnic Achievement Service (MEAS) and the Traveller Education Service (TES). 

The Cabinet Secretary for Education has essentially withdrawn funding for these groups under the education improvement grant (EIG). Research shows that Roma and Traveller children have the lowest attainment rates of any ethnic group in Wales and the EIG is designed to support their learning and raise attainment. 

In NPT we have a percentage of travellers and minority ethnic groups in our schools examples of which are Margam and Briton Ferry who rely on this funding. The council has evidence to show support workers provide a fantastic service engaging with these ‘hard to reach’ learners. We want all young people to be able to reach their potential and support workers are able to champion the needs of all learners, particularly the vulnerable or disadvantaged. They build strong relationships with families, schools and the communities they serve. This reduction in funding will be devastating and job cuts are already being discussed with the trades unions. Any redundancy costs will need to be funded from an already stretched budget provision.

We urge Welsh Government to consult with UNISON and local authorities. Welsh Government must complete an Equality Impact Assessment to ensure monies are allocated to those in need.


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